Monday, January 20, 2014

local legend

Laurie 'Lozza' Langridge of Whangarei is a 64 year old frothing grom with a passion for collecting locally made surfboards, he collects not only surfboards but old bottles, antique tools and 'really cool stuff'.
Laurie's quiver includes a Bob Davies 'Allan Byrne' single fin, an Atlas Woods log, a rare 'Head NZ' longboard, an Apex 'pop out' longboard which were sold in Wiseman's stores throughout NZ in the 60's, plus a great selection of Whangarei made shortboards from Tribal, NSB and Supersession.
Laurie will be at The Cove Fish Fry doing interviews for his website so come along and have a chat with him and share a story or three, Mike C.

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